速報APP / 購物 / Simple shopping list(shared)

Simple shopping list(shared)





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:2-15 Nishikubo, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, Japan

Simple shopping list(shared)(圖1)-速報App

Have you ever wanted to share your shopping list with your family?

With this application, you can share a shopping list.

Simple shopping list(shared)(圖2)-速報App

In addition, you can create multiple categories of shopping list. For each category, you can set whether to share, so you can use it as a personal shopping list.

For example, you can also create the following categories.

Simple shopping list(shared)(圖3)-速報App

(1)Today's dinner(shared)

 Share what you want to eat with all your family!

Simple shopping list(shared)(圖4)-速報App

(2)Daily necessities (shared)

 I will not forget to buy tissue paper.

Simple shopping list(shared)(圖5)-速報App

 Also, they will not buy the same things as family members.

(3)Personal things

Simple shopping list(shared)(圖6)-速報App

 Personal shopping can be managed separately.

I think that this application will incorporate your opinion and make it a better application.

Simple shopping list(shared)(圖7)-速報App

By all means, please appreciate the app, tell us the difficulties to use and the points you want to improve.

【About in-app purchase】

Simple shopping list(shared)(圖8)-速報App

You can hide ads. All other functions can be used free of charge.